If you have just graduated from school or college, have already received a certificate of complete secondary education or a junior specialist, junior bachelor or professional junior bachelor's degree, your next step is to take the national multi-subject test! If you have already taken it in 2022 or 2023 or passed an external independent assessment in 2021, you can use the results of these tests. You will be enrolled in a bachelor's degree program - the first level of higher education. Your studies will last 4 years (if you have completed your schooling) or 3 years (if you have a junior specialist, junior bachelor's or professional junior bachelor's degree). You will receive a diploma of complete higher education and the right to continue your education at the next level - a master's degree.
All relevant official information (rules, dates of exams, cost, volumes, etc.) is available on the official website of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute Admissions Committee https://pk.kpi.ua>>>
For applicants from the temporarily occupied territories, apply to the educational centres "Crimea-Ukraine" and "Donbas-Ukraine" https://pk.kpi.ua/donbass-crimea/>>>
At the Welding Department of the Institute of Materials Science and Welding Ye.O. Paton, admission to the 1st year is carried out in the following specialty and educational program:
specialty - 131-Applied Mechanics
educational program - "Engineering of welding, laser and related technologies"
Information about the educational programme on the official website of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute https://osvita.kpi.ua
For more information about the specialty, the educational program and our events, we invite you to register at https://forms.gle/N1iFADih3iDwewRv6
Today, welding is one of the most important technological processes used to manufacture structures and products. Without welding, construction, automotive, ship, bridge and aircraft construction, the creation of modern high-performance machines, mechanisms and equipment for the manufacture of products that meet the highest modern requirements, as well as the production of military equipment are impossible. Welding technologies are plunging into the depths of the world's oceans and reaching into the vastness of outer space. They are needed to create both large-sized structures and products characterized by micro- and even nanoscale dimensions, in particular in electronics for the manufacture of microprocessors, as well as in research related to the structure of matter and the universe. Welding is even used in medicine to connect living tissues. Welding technologies are used to produce permanent joints not only of metals and alloys, but also of metals with nonmetals, ceramics, composite materials, and advanced superalloys. The basis for creating the latest structures is the use of computer modeling and design technologies, hybrid and synergistic innovative welding technologies. There is a huge demand for welding specialists in all economically developed countries. The knowledge gained enables our graduates to work in any field of human activity both in Ukraine and abroad.
In 2024, the results of the National Multisubject Test (NMT) in Ukrainian language, mathematics, history of Ukraine (compulsory) and physics or a foreign language (English, German, French, Spanish), or chemistry, or biology, or geography, or Ukrainian literature (fourth subject of the applicant's choice) will be used for admission.
You can also use the results of the NMT 2022, NMT 2023 or the results of the External Independent Testing (EIT) 2021 (only the entire test taken in the relevant year, without the possibility of choosing subjects from different years).
When submitting electronic applications, provide a motivation letter for admission to the university. You can read more about the motivation letter, its requirements and structure on the website of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute Admissions Committee in a special section.
Rules of admission to Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute in 2024
Rules of admission to study for higher education at the National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" in 2024.
Information materials of the admission committee
Selection Committee:
tel.: +380 (50) 998-86-15
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
35 Polytechnic St., building 9, room. 104, 1st floor, Kyiv